Friday, July 1, 2011

Our Future In the Streets: England and Greece show us the future

by John Hayward

Thousands of strikers have clogged busy intersections, while 85 percent of British schools will be fully or partially shut down.

The same thing is happening in Greece, but with more exciting riots. The Greek parliament sought to battle the absolute and total financial meltdown of their government with crucial austerity measures yesterday. The UK Daily Mail tells us the result was bloody street battles between police and “demonstrators who were armed with petrol bombs, bricks, and sticks.”

What you see happening in England and Greece today is the inevitable future of Obama-style economics. There is no escape from this destiny. It’s only a matter of time.

Public employees and angry dependents of the government are all protesting against the same employer and benefactor. This results in solidarity, because the compulsive force they deploy through general strikes and riots is all directed at the same target. They believe this target cannot “go out of business,” an apprehension that sometimes restrains the worst excesses of private-sector unions. There is no point in making collective demands which destroy a private-sector employer, leaving the union with nothing. But where is the limit on demands made of public treasuries that can never be “empty?”

It doesn’t matter that the government has run out of money, or that the promises it made to buy votes in happier times were unsustainable. These people are not really declaring war on their government – they’re declaring war on the private sector. They want greater compulsive force deployed against those who have not yet been absorbed by the government, to seize more funding for their benefits. They know they will not face any organized mobs of angry taxpayers who deny them.

If such a mob of taxpayers appeared on the streets of Athens, they would be showered with stones and fire bombs.

Every government is either the ally, or the enemy, of law-abiding private citizens. The sole factor controlling that relationship is the size of the State. A large government will always become the enemy of its people, because those who depend on the government will eventually, and inevitably, insist upon it.

The path Barack Obama has set for America always ends with angry public employees and welfare dependents “fighting for pensions, and against overall government cuts generally.”

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