Tuesday, July 5, 2011

It ends in bankruptcy, death, blood and revolution.

Hello Roman Senate, Goodbye American Congress
By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

There seems to be some deal in the works where the government wants to reduce the debt by 4 Trillion over the next 10 years. And by government, I mean the Republicans. You guys wouldn’t all be on drugs, would you? Our current debt is just shy of 15 Trillion dollars and unless you are on crack, you know it will go up unless we drastically cut our spending and create jobs. 4 Trillion doesn’t even begin to cut it.

And while the Republicans may be living in La La Land, the Democrats don’t want to cut at all. Hell, just raise the debt ceiling and keep printing money. What could go wrong? Two words for you dolts – Weimar Republic.

It’s already being whispered and you can bet Obama loves the option – sign an Executive Order and raise the debt ceiling. Chuck-you Schumer is right there helping him. Schumer is a detestable dissembling troll. It’s a win-win from Obama’s evil point of view and an absolute violation of the Constitution. He gets to claim he’s a hero for saving America from financial default and blame the Republicans for forcing his hand. He also gets to point out how old and irrelevant the Constitution is and how it should be rewritten. Before you defend the Republicans though, remember they just wanted to kick this particular can down the road for political reasons to help defeat Obama in the next election. Just a slower form of the same deadly poison.

I don’t think this is naivete, cluelessness or ignorance on the part of our politicians. It can’t possibly be. They know exactly where this leads. It ends in bankruptcy, death, blood and revolution. You would only push this monstrous ponzi scheme if you had you and yours taken care of and had struck a deal with the proverbial devil du jour.


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