Wednesday, July 20, 2011

$ Is Over. (If you want it.)

By Silver Shield

The death of the dollar will be the largest single event in human history. This collapse will be the first event to dramatically effect every human being on the planet. Few people realize the dramatic impact this event will mean to every single aspect of their lives. To those of you that do realize the enormity of this cataclysmic event,it is hard not to watch the kettle boil.

While we do our best to become aware and prepared for this event,the dollar chart is the one chart everyone watches. I would contend that while we watch the dollar chart,it is not the one we should be really watching. The reason for this is that it is measuring a one crappy fiat currency against other crappy fiat currencies. Even in this relative weak race to the bottom,the dollar stinks. As gold pushes through $1600,it is a truer measure of the declining value of ALL currencies. Still the dollar chart is significant simply because it is King Dollar.

* If not for our criminal financial oligarchs funneling dollars into our markets,the dollar would be dead.
* If not for our drug kingpins funneling dollars into our markets,the dollar would be dead.
* If not for our petro dollar confidence game,the dollar would be dead.
* If not for our bullying military industrial complex plundering the assets of the world,the dollar would be dead.
* If not for our corporate vampire squids harvesting the spoils of empire,the dollar would be dead.
* If not for the intense manipulation of the markets and statistics like inflation and unemployment,the dollar would be dead.
* If not for all of you that keep your wealth in any paper asset,the dollar would be dead.

When you realize that the dollar is mathematically and inevitably going to fail,you should flee the dollar with haste.

This next drop is going to be the “Big One”. However tough 2008 was,this next one is going to be magnitudes worse. There will be no breather like we got in 2009-2011. We have blown through all of our safety nets.

* We have blown through our savings.
* We have blown through our quick fixes.
* We have blown through our military solutions.
* We have blown through our corporate solutions.
* We have blown thorough our political solutions.
* We have blown through the amount of lies we are willing to accept.

There is nothing left to act as a buffer for a very hard reality that is coming our way.

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