Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Larry Hatheway of Swiss global bank UBS predicts WW3 and advocates hedging investments with small firearms purchases

Three months ago, Zero Hedge presented the first of many narratives that started the thread of explaining the "unmitigated disaster" that would ensue should the Euro break up, which in the words of authors Stephane Deo and Larry Hatheway, would lead to such mutually assured destruction outcomes as complete bank failure and/or civil war or far worse.

Unfortunately since the first UBS report, despite the best intentions of the status quo, the Eurozone's plight has only gotten far, far worse, reaching a Lehman-like crescendo when the house of cards threatened to collapse if not for a last minute Fed rescue. However, as Deutsche Bank and every other bank knows well, that measure was merely a short-term fix.

Hatheway's recommendation? 
"I suppose there might be some assets worthy of consideration—precious metals, for example. But other metals would make wise investments, too. Among them tinned goods and small calibre weapons.
But even that is nothing compared to the kicker: 
"Break-up runs the risk of becoming one wretched scenario. Sadly, however, it can’t be ruled out, just as it would have been improper to rule out the horrors of the first half of the 20th century before they happened.
And there you have it: a reversion by Europe to the perfectly stable system from a decade ago, is now somehow supposed to result in World War

1 comment:

  1. Here is an article that outlines where Europe went wrong and what painful alternatives are available to solve the issue:
