Monday, June 13, 2011

How To Build A Blackout Kit

By Aaron Frankel

If a blackout or emergency arises in the middle of the night, will you be prepared? Outages that leave you in the dark can be extremely disruptive and dangerous. Aside from outfitting your home with a generator, one of the best things you can do to mitigate issues that arise during a blackout is to put together a Blackout Kit.
What Is A Blackout Survival Kit

A Blackout Kit loosely defined is a collection of items to help you through an emergency situation in the home. They are commonly referred to as Blackout Kits because you are most likely to need one, well, in a blackout.

What Blackout Kits allow you to do is keep a small cache of helpful items in a strategic location that can be quickly and easily gotten to. What kind of items go in a Blackout Kit? Items like flashlights, emergency tools, anything that would be useful in the event of an emergency.

Blackout Kits should be stored in easily accessible places and everyone that resides in your house should be made aware of their placement and contents. Keeping them low makes them accessible in fires and to children old enough to use the contents.

Add a Hatchet or small Pry Bar. Either of these tools will aid you in creating an escape should you become trapped.

Blackout Kits, aren’t just for power outages. They can save you a lot of grief and avert emergencies. With a limited number of supplies you can handle a lot of situations. Whichever items you choose to flesh out your kit with, please consider them carefully. Your well-being could very well depend on any one of the contents.

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