Wednesday, February 23, 2011

"Zombie" money.

There are a number of fallacies - or delusions, if you will- concerning our economies that are set to inflict enormous damage.  There is no economic recovery, there hasn't been one in the past five years, and there won't be one for a very long time to come.

The media has force-fed the incorrect definition of inflation to the masses.  Inflation is not the same as rising prices.  Why is the distinction between the definitions important? Because today in the US both the money/credit supply and the velocity of money are falling (deflation), while some prices are rising, in particular those of food and energy. It is Speculation that is causing the rise in prices, not inflation.  But not of the ordinary kind of inflation - zombie money speculation.  The same unrecognized losses in the financial system that our governments cover up with criminally negligent accounting non-standards cause prices of oil and food to rise, since that's where the zombie money -inevitably- ends up.

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