Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Obama Agenda: Sheep Farms (you're the sheep)

By Jake Southern

It’s like Pol Pot’s Khmer Ruge, in reverse:  out of the ‘burbs, corralled into MegaCities:


It wouldn’t be so worrisome, if there weren’t quiet approaches from multiple angles:

·         Push for wealth redistribution by changing local taxation such that money flows from the ‘burbs into the metro areas.

·         Push for “mileage tax”, which flat punishes commuters for commuting.   (that might be the real reason driving the “black box” requirement from Uncle Fed – they want a “fool-proof” way to charge you for the miles you drive.  Plus, there’s the added benefit of invading your privacy).
·         “Sustainable development”/Agenda 21 nonsense, being fostered at the local level all over the country

According to our Environmentalist Moral Superiors, crushing the majority of our population into super-dense “barns” will keep us from driving cars, so less emissions and less demand for fuel.  Plus, Gaia will be free of our pollution (and existence) in “pristine” areas (= everywhere not city).

That’s fine by the Marxists Among Us, b/c “equality”, don’t you know.  Elitists suburbanites, with their flight to quality schools, etc – gonna get theirs.  Plus, more tax money gathered to steer behavior (basically make suburban commuting impossible).

And the Fascist Left just loves the idea – they get to micro-manage everybody tyranny like Bloomberg’s NYC!

These people are immortal, insane and truly ignorant.  I believe the legacy of the 20th Century will be “don’t dislocate the population from the resources”.  Our cities will be deathtraps if anything happens to “The Matrix” (total logistics:  fuel, transport, power, communications).

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