Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Stealth Modern Black Slavery

The author here is making a point that most gun violence is black on black, and the root cause is degradation of society.  And that this problem is orders of magnitude worse in both cause and effect than those issues which black communities still cling, like racism.  What he fails to mention in his statistics is that the black community is being held in this situation by the very Democratic party that purports to want to help them.

Cultural Deviancy, Not Guns
by Walter E. Williams 
There's a story told about a Paris chief of police who was called to a department store to stop a burglary in progress. Upon his arrival, he reconnoitered the situation and ordered his men to surround the entrances of the building next door. When questioned about his actions, he replied that he didn't have enough men to cover the department store's many entrances but he did have enough for the building next door. Let's see whether there are similarities between his strategy and today's gun control strategy. 
Last year, Chicago had 512 homicides; Detroit had 411; Philadelphia had 331; and Baltimore had 215. Those cities are joined by other dangerous cities – such as St. Louis, Memphis, Tenn., Flint, Mich., and Camden, N.J. – and they also lead the nation in shootings, assaults, rapes and robberies. Both the populations of those cities and their crime victims are predominantly black. Each year, more than 7,000 blacks are murdered. Close to 100 percent of the time, the murderer is another black person. 
These cities also have some of the strictest gun laws, infringing on ownership, carry, and use of firearms; many times preventing individuals from lawfully and righteously defending themselves.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1976 and 2011, there were 279,384 black murder victims. Though blacks are 13 percent of the nation's population, they account for more than 50 percent of homicide victims. Nationally, the black homicide victimization rate is six times that of whites, and in some cities, it's 22 times that of whites. Coupled with being most of the nation's homicide victims, blacks are also most of the victims of violent personal crimes, such as assault and robbery. The magnitude of this tragedy can be seen in another light. According to a Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute study, between 1882 and 1968, 3,446 blacks were lynched at the hands of whites. 
That's 8,100% more deaths due to black on black violence than racism.  Yet the liberal gun grabbers continue to espouse racist epitaphs  play the victim, play the race card, work to reduce individual exceptionalism, and create a government dependent voter block.  (ie: stealth modern slavery)  When will we learn that flames of racism aren't being fed by "hateful citizens of other races", but rather by the democratic party itself, to fan the fire in it's political agenda.
What percentage of murders, irrespective of race, are committed with what are being called assault weapons? You'd be hard put to come up with an amount greater than 1 or 2 percent. In fact, according to FBI data from 2011, there were 323 murders committed with a rifle of any kind but 496 murders committed with a hammer or a club. But people who want to weaken our Second Amendment guarantees employ a strategy like that of the Paris chief of police. They can't do much about hammers, clubs, fists or pistols, but by exploiting public ignorance, they might have a bit of success getting an "assault weapon" ban that will have little impact on violent crime.
Gun control is just as much about racism as it is about government control and socialism.   The black American community rose up once against oppression   What will happen when the veil of stealth surrounding this modern day black slavery is lifted?  
There are other measures these people employ in an attempt to end violence that border on lunacy. Massachusetts' Hyannis West Elementary recently warned a 5-year-old's parents that if their son made another gun from a Legos set, he'd be suspended. Elementary-school children have been suspended or otherwise disciplined for drawing a picture of a gun or pointing a finger and saying, "Bang, bang." I shudder to think about what would happen to kids in a schoolyard if they played, as I played nearly 70 years ago, "cops 'n' robbers" or "cowboys 'n' Indians." Maybe today's politically correct educators would cut the kids a bit of slack if they said they were playing "cowboys 'n' Native Americans." 
This is because liberals, especially liberal gun grabbers, employ emotional tactics  rather than logic in their arguments to control both guns and the GDVB (Government Dependent Voter Block)
What explains a lot of what we see today, which politicians and their liberal allies would never condemn, is growing cultural deviancy. Twenty-nine percent of white children, 53 percent of Hispanics and 73 percent of black children are born to unmarried women. The absence of a husband and father from the home is a strong contributing factor to poverty, school failure, crime, drug abuse, emotional disturbance and a host of other social problems. By the way, the low marriage rate among blacks is relatively new. Census data show that a slightly higher percentage of black adults had married than white adults from 1890 to 1940. In 2009, the poverty rate among married whites was 3.2 percent; for blacks, it was 7 percent, and for Hispanics, it was 13.2 percent. The higher poverty rates – 22 percent for whites, 35.6 percent for blacks and 37.9 percent for Hispanics – are among unmarried families. 
It's not just the single mother households.  While statistics show that may add to the problem, there are plenty of single mothers who raise their kids in a moral, upstanding manner. The problem is societal acceptance of immoral and deviant behavior.  We even glamorize it in rap songs, video games, TV and magazines.
Other forms of cultural deviancy are found in the kind of music accepted today that advocates killing and rape and other vile acts. Punishment for criminal behavior is lax. Today's Americans accept behavior that our parents and grandparents never would have accepted. 
Americans seem to have a penchant for the history of wisdom.  We claim "my Granddaddy always said..." as nuggets of wisdom to be revered and followed.  So why wont we listen to their wisdom in this?  If your grandmother wouldn't approve, DONT DO IT, and DONT ACCEPT IT in your friends or family.  Grandpappy was right because he was a morally upstanding  exceptional individual - not a modern Socialist Government Dependent Voter Block Slave.

Walter E. Williams

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