Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Communism is Alive and Well (and strong) in the USA

By nicedeb
"I have a confession to make: I used to be a Liberal. In the 1988 Presidential election, I campaigned door-to-door for Michael Dukakis. In 1992, I was a full-throated supporter of Carol Moseley Braun, the ultra-social liberal Senator from Illinois who, among other things, supported partial-birth abortion, gay marriage and gun control. I voted for Clinton both times, and, despite thinking he was a knob, voted for Gore in 2000. Please believe me when I say that the Democrat Party’s end goal is communism."
Let’s get the terminology right. The fact of the matter is, the entire Democrat party today is Communist/ Marxist/Socialist/Collectivist/Statist. There are no more conservative or moderate Democrats. They all support the big government collectivist agenda – and they’re all willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to maintain it.

Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro called Obama’s inaugural speech,  ‘Orwellian’, proving that he hates the Constitution.
But it’s worse than that. I’ve been saying for over four years now, that the Democrat party needs to be rebranded. They should be called Democrat Socialists because that’s what they are. Democrat voters should at least know what they’re voting for.
Actually, it’s long past time. The Democrat Party’s goal is communism.
I have a confession to make: I used to be a Liberal. In the 1988 Presidential election, I campaigned door-to-door for Michael Dukakis. In 1992, I was a full-throated supporter of Carol Moseley Braun, the ultra-social liberal Senator from Illinois who, among other things, supported partial-birth abortion, gay marriage and gun control. I voted for Clinton both times, and, despite thinking he was a knob, voted for Gore in 2000. Please believe me when I say that the Democrat Party’s end goal is communism.
Okay, they won’t call it communism. To the Liberal Democrat (here on out, let’s just call them Democrats because there are no moderate or conservative Democrats anymore), the government is the source of prosperity. Government can succeed in equalizing outcomes, which free market capitalism does not do. Government must dictate what all citizens believe and what they are educated in. Wealth, prosperity, equality, all come from Government. For the Democrat, if there is a problem in society, it is Government’s role to solve the problem.

The Democrats didn’t just seek to bail out the banks; the Democrats had to demonize the banks. It was those greedy Wall Street Bankers who preyed on poor, unsuspecting people and FORCED them to take out a mortgage that they had no hope of being able to pay back. The Democrats absolved themselves of any culpability, despite the fact they are one hundred percent the cause of the Sub-Prime Mortgage Crisis.
Why? Because Democrats are communists. They want to control the means of production. They want to control the financial institutions. They want to redistribute wealth in order to make all individuals the same – a collective. Because, as Obama likes to point out, that’s what’s fair. To the Democrat, “fairness” is the most important litmus test of a society. It trumps liberty. It trumps private property rights. It trumps the rights of individuals. It trumps out Constitution and system of government. We must make all things “fair.”
Democrats are communists. And if we don’t recognize that and speak clearly about it, we will continue down this road and we will lose this country.
It should surprise no one that Obama’s biggest cheerleaders are Communists.

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