Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Irreconcilable Differences?

By John Stark

A friend of mine was talking to an old (now ex) friend of his. The woman, a Democrat, was gloating over the fraud of Obama (imagine, a Democrat not only believing in but approving of Obama stealing the election with fraudulent votes) , and chuckling over how great "socialism was going to be for her".  He mentioned to her that even though neither he or his wife really grossed that much income, he was now “the rich” that would be taxed more heavily and would be paying for her, against his will.  He mentioned the fact that the government taking his earnings from him "by force" left him little reason to aspire to greatness.

She said something about "well, you should use your time for more personal pursuits and just enjoy the handouts".  He asked her who would pay for her healthcare after he (and others like him) just quit?  There was dead silence.  She had no answer.  

She then told him that she felt like he was "attacking her personally".  He told her essentially:  That is because it is personal:  She used your vote to apply the threat of force to him and his family to pay for her "beyond-her-means" spending. 

And that was it.  No more friend.  He says that is OK.  At this point it is morally necessary to separate from people like that.

Do Democrats and Republicans have irreconcilable differences?

The debate is not about liberal social policies, but about conservative fiscal policies.  But the democrats can't seem to understand that.

This is a typical rhetoric, attitude and idealism of a liberal government dependent.  Emotional and needy rather than logical and deductive.  Any opinion that differs from heirs is a personal attack, or must be racist and hateful.  They are afraid of the truth - That they are now slaves.  They have given up their vote and freedoms for a downward spiral of dependency.  Just like any drug addiction, this can not end well unless you rehabilitate yourself.

They need to understand that self sufficiency and individual preparation and support are our patriotic duties.  Keeping yourself off the government welfare role helps the strength of the nation, not detracts from it.  Entrepreneurs and business owners, High income earners, preppers, and those with strong work ethic are not the enemy, government dependents are.  They are collapsing the economy from within.

But they never will get it.  the only "education" that they receive is from biased MSM sources who want them to stay dependent, captured voters.

Let us pray that these are not truely Irreconcilable Differences, and that the country can be healed both emotionally, socially and fiscally before it's citizens start screaming for political divorce.

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