Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Don't think riots can happen here? Think again.

Your upscale neighborhood is just as vulnerable to escalated violence as a 3rd world country. And you'd better believe it. We have a tenancy to think that such things cant or wont happen to us. This is called Normalcy Bias. It is the belief that everything will be OK, simply because things usually are OK, and therefore nothing bad can or will happen.

I'm pretty sure that's what the people in London thought too. But their tranquility was recently shattered with massive riots and arson.

Violent crimes and mass rioting naturally increase as the economy collapses and people are disgruntled, out of work, broke, and have nothing better to do with their time.

These riots were started over the shooting of a suspect who exchanged fire with police.


"...died instantly after an apparent exchange of fire when police attempted to arrest him in north London"


Here is a map of london arson fires in last 3 days. Shocking how many there are:

Imagine what will happen when the happy people of your city cant buy food or water.

For more information on the London riots, and pictures of the event use the following links:



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