Thursday, March 17, 2011

Tragedy Week

Apologies to my readers.  As you can see, I haven't posted in a week.  The delay was initially accidental, but continued purposefully.

I began this blog out of the shock and bewilderment of the chaos that was unfolding in the middle east, and it's effect on the US economy.  I had to speak out about something of that magnitude.  Country after country in economic, political and military turmoil.

Then this week happened.

Shock and Awe don't begin to cover it.  Bewilderment took a new high.  Suddenly, the middle east wasn't even important anymore.  So much has been written about it, so many pictures and videos posted.  Everyone has been glued to these unfolding events.  And now suddenly all the emotion conveyed in all the pictures and stories can be summed up in one word.  JAPAN.

In the beginning I was too stunned to write.  To glued to the tube to see what would happen next.  Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes and Nuclear meltdowns - all in one week.  Wow.  So here we are, on the 1 week anniversary of the tragedy that may go down as the worst natural disaster in history.  Our prayers have been going out daily to the victims and families of all those affected. 

The full scope of this event will likely not be known for some time.  Given the cataclysmic loss of life and property it seems just shameful to focus on the economic aspects that would be relevant to this blog.  The financial impact of this will likely dwarf all the "enormous" recent economic issues, and yet it is still trivial to the human tragedy that is unfolding.  And with the ongoing nuclear plant operations, we are still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

And so out of respect, I've delayed writing anything further.

God bless, and see you next week.

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