Thursday, December 27, 2012

Canadian Economist Summarizes America's Collapse: "Everyone Takes, Nobody Makes, Money Is Free, And Money Is Worthless"

On this lackluster Boxing Day dominated by illiquid moves in every asset class, we thought a few succinct minutes spent comprehending the US and European government policies of social welfare and their outcomes was time well spent. Canadian MP Pierre Poilievre delivers a rather epic speech destroying the myths of US and European 'wealth' noting that "Once the US citizen is in debt, the US government encourages them to stay in debt," noting that "the US government encouraged millions of Americans to spend money they did not have on homes they could not afford using loans they could never repay and then gave them a tax incentive never to repay it." His message, delivered seamlessly, notes the inordinate rise in the cost of all this borrowing, adding that "through debt interest alone, soon the US taxpayer will be funding 100% of the Chinese Military complex." From Dependence to Debt to the Welfare State and back to Dependence, this presentation puts incredible context on the false hope so many believe in the US and Europe. Must watch.

"By 2020, the US Government will be spending more annually on debt interest than the total combined military budgets of China, Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Germany, Saudi Arabia, India, Italy, South Korea, Brazil, Canada, Australia, Spain, Turkey, and Israel."

"Through government spending the indulgence of one is the burden of another; through government borrowing, the excess of one generation becomes the yoke of the next; through international bailouts, one nation's extravagance becomes another nation's debt"

"Everyone takes, nobody makes, work doesn't pay, indulgence doesn't cost, money is free, and money is worthless."

Tokyo Almost As Irradiated As Fukushima

We’ve documented the spread of radiation from Fukushima to Tokyo for a year and a half.  See this, this, this, this, this and this.
Unfortunately, as the following recent headlines from Ene News show, things are only getting worse:
  • Tokyo getting 5 times more radioactive fallout than prefectures closer to Fukushima
And we’ve previously noted that the radiation will spread worldwide (by water and air). For example:
A new study says that the West Coast will get slammed with radioactive cesium starting in 2015 

But surely the Japanese government and Tepco are on top of things now …
Not exactly:

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Irreconcilable Differences?

By John Stark

A friend of mine was talking to an old (now ex) friend of his. The woman, a Democrat, was gloating over the fraud of Obama (imagine, a Democrat not only believing in but approving of Obama stealing the election with fraudulent votes) , and chuckling over how great "socialism was going to be for her".  He mentioned to her that even though neither he or his wife really grossed that much income, he was now “the rich” that would be taxed more heavily and would be paying for her, against his will.  He mentioned the fact that the government taking his earnings from him "by force" left him little reason to aspire to greatness.

She said something about "well, you should use your time for more personal pursuits and just enjoy the handouts".  He asked her who would pay for her healthcare after he (and others like him) just quit?  There was dead silence.  She had no answer.  

She then told him that she felt like he was "attacking her personally".  He told her essentially:  That is because it is personal:  She used your vote to apply the threat of force to him and his family to pay for her "beyond-her-means" spending. 

And that was it.  No more friend.  He says that is OK.  At this point it is morally necessary to separate from people like that.

Do Democrats and Republicans have irreconcilable differences?

The debate is not about liberal social policies, but about conservative fiscal policies.  But the democrats can't seem to understand that.

This is a typical rhetoric, attitude and idealism of a liberal government dependent.  Emotional and needy rather than logical and deductive.  Any opinion that differs from heirs is a personal attack, or must be racist and hateful.  They are afraid of the truth - That they are now slaves.  They have given up their vote and freedoms for a downward spiral of dependency.  Just like any drug addiction, this can not end well unless you rehabilitate yourself.

They need to understand that self sufficiency and individual preparation and support are our patriotic duties.  Keeping yourself off the government welfare role helps the strength of the nation, not detracts from it.  Entrepreneurs and business owners, High income earners, preppers, and those with strong work ethic are not the enemy, government dependents are.  They are collapsing the economy from within.

But they never will get it.  the only "education" that they receive is from biased MSM sources who want them to stay dependent, captured voters.

Let us pray that these are not truely Irreconcilable Differences, and that the country can be healed both emotionally, socially and fiscally before it's citizens start screaming for political divorce.

Monday, December 3, 2012

New nanny state program extends government tracking to watch your personal spending.

Surely there are better ways to find individuals who may be avoiding taxes by  money in overseas accounts than by tracking the daily spending habits of every single citizen!

Like maybe simply profiling the top 10,000 richest people in the country and monitoring just them?  Heck, most of them are politicians anyway.  Oh wait, they are probably immune from this tracking... LOL

Tax hitmen to track your spending

Up to two million people are to have their credit files secretly checked under a crackdown on tax evasion to be unveiled by George Osborne to help raise another £10 billion.

HMRC will today unveil the “successful” results of a pilot programme involving about 20,000 people which will now be extended nationally


Credit reference agencies will cross-check details of the income people declare on their tax returns against their spending patterns to identify “high” and “medium” risks of both illegal and legal tax avoidance.
People identified to HM Revenue and Customs will then be subject to more detailed investigations. About two million people are expected to be scrutinised under the programme, which may lead to privacy concerns.
HMRC will today unveil the “successful” results of a pilot programme involving about 20,000 people which will now be extended nationally.
Many of those who are expected to be identified are likely to be self-employed workers who have under-declared their income to the authorities.
However, those who have benefited from secret windfalls – such as an inheritance or a bonus – and people with secret offshore accounts could also be highlighted.

Mr Osborne is preparing to deliver the Autumn Statement on Wednesday, in which he is expected to announce another extension to the Government’s austerity programme. Spending cuts and tax rises are now expected to last until at least 2018.

The Chancellor indicated yesterday that he was preparing a new round of welfare cuts – and tax rises for the wealthy – this week. The renewed crackdown on avoidance is also expected to play a key role.
Treasury sources said that “hundreds of millions” are expected to be raised from the greater use of third-party data, such as that supplied by credit reference agencies.
Ministers also wish to encourage more whistle-blowers to come forward with details of offshore bank accounts.

Mr Osborne said: “While most taxpayers are doing their bit to help us balance the books, it is unacceptable for a minority to avoid paying their fair share.”

Danny Alexander, the Liberal Democrat Chief Secretary to the Treasury, added: “It is simply not fair that at a time when most people are making a contribution to balancing the nation’s books, there is a small minority of taxpayers who try to escape their responsibility.”

The Chancellor will this week extend the austerity programme after admitting it is “clearly taking longer” to deal with the country’s debts than “anyone would have hoped”.

The credit-reference scheme is among a series of initiatives to be outlined today to reduce tax avoidance and evasion among wealthy Britons and multinational companies.

Mr Osborne will also announce an agreement with Switzerland which will give the British authorities access to the details of the offshore savings of thousands of Britons.

Information will also be routinely shared between the British and American authorities.

The Treasury is to provide an extra £77 million a year to HMRC over the next two years to increase its investigative capability. The “affluent unit” which targets the wealthy is to take on 100 extra staff.

Meanwhile, a parliamentary committee will today attack HMRC for being “way too lenient” in its treatment of multinational companies.

The public accounts committee will accuse international firms of “insulting” ordinary Britons by funnelling profits off shore.

Yesterday, Starbucks announced it had entered talks with HMRC about paying more tax in the UK following reports it had paid just £8.5 million tax on its British profits since 1998.