Comment from a ZeroHedge article:
“I was just in Greece last week (On Cruise). I went to the parliament building where all of this shit takes place (Thanks to ZH for educating me and giving us the live riot feeds). Pictures do not show how fucked up this country is. Every building is tagged with Graffiti saying "F*** Merkel", and "Hows this Capitalism working for you now?". Most of it is in Greek, but the paint in English is truly scary. Again..most buildings and ANY free walls are tagged and tagged again. The city is ruined. Even the windows of businesses are tagged from top to bottom. Bank windows are cracked and broken. I was there the day after Merkel was there so no riot photos. I tried to take a photo with the police with machine guns and riot gear hiding around town but they would not let me. I now see why there are "Riot Dogs" also. Stray dogs and cats all around. You guys will really appreciate what I am about to say.....We were in a taxi going back to the cruise ship, and I asked the female taxi driver "What do you think of Merkel?". She said "We all hate her" in a broken Greek accent. I asked "Why?". She said "I have 4 children, and I have always received my checks to help me pay for my kids, and now that b**** Merkel took my checks away." I was astounded to hear this type of I tried to rationalize her comment by saying "Angela Merkel didn't take your checks, your government overspent, and Merkel is trying to help and your government has to pay Germany back as they agreed for the borrowed money right?" She said "We don't have to pay anything back....Germany still owes us big time for the war.!!" I just sat back in the cab and listened to her rant for the remaining 5 minutes of our trek back to the ship..... As you can see from this type of thinking....they are s******. All they want is more Free S***.....sounds very familiar with another country. After hearing this type of thought process explained to me in person over and over in Greece first hand, it shows me that these people in the streets have no clue. It is either "I get more free stuff, or we riot in the streets". There is no compromise. It is a 100% "All Me" society. Thanks ZeroHedge for waking me up. Just ordered some more Buckets of food from Costco...take a look. I feel a lot better having some of these under my belt. I don't post much, but I sure do read all of your guys comments. Thanks. Oh before I finish gas is $12 a gallon and they will not touch the US dollar no matter what. Tried to give the cab driver a $5 tip because I was out of Euros and she just gave it back and said "We don't take that". I had already paid for the cab with my remaining Euros....Yikes.”
Sure, this is only anecdotal, but wow – if this is true and
represents the beliefs of even a sliver of the Greek population, they’re in deep s***. I can only hope that US citizens are smarter than that.