Life as we know it is taking a dramatic turn. This blog is an aggregation of various news sources relating to the US and World Economics and Politics. NO, this is not the end of the world, but rather a time when we should be preparing our families & our budgets for a good belt tightening. Get ready, here it comes:

Thursday, June 30, 2011
Fort Calhoun: Potentially bigger disaster than Fukushima!
This isn’t some elevated bathtub like the cooling pools at Fukushima. Oh, no. This cooling pool is forty feet UNDER GROUND AND forty feet ABOVE GROUND. It’s EIGHTY FEET DEEP IN TOTAL. If they can’t cool it, the corn belt is in trouble.
And, by the way, it was filled up to capacity in 2006 – which is why they had to start storing the excess spent fuel rods in those concrete dry casks outside of the pool.
The reason there is a problem and why they aren’t telling the truth is because, while Fukishima is equivalent to about twenty Chernobyls, Ft. Calhoun is equivalent to about twenty Fukushimas. Not because it has a lot of reactors – or even a very big one. But because it is holding an immense amount of nuclear fuel in its cooling pool.
A tale of two (irradiated) cities
Fort Calhoun
Radiation Detected In Fukushima Children Urine Samples As Fort Calhoun Orders 10 Mile Evacuation Radius
by Tyler Durden
"Fukushima Network to Protect Children from Radiation" tested the urine samples from 10 children in Fukushima City, age 6 to 16, and announced on June 30 that a small amount of radioactive materials was detected from all samples. The highest amount of cesium-134 was from an 8-year-old girl, at 1.13 becquerels per liter. The highest amount of cesium-137 was from a 7-year-old boy, at 1.30 becquerels per liter.
"There is a very high possibility that children in and around Fukushima City have been exposed to internal radiation. Prior to the [Fukushima] accident, these numbers would have been zero." Nothing to see here. Just as there is nothing see in Nebraska, where the NRUC said there is nothing to worry about... despite the imposition of a 10 mile evacuation radius. As a reminder Fukushima has a roughly 18 mile evacuation radius zone.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Our Wiley Coyote Moment Has Arrived
By Scott Strzelczyk
The country is imploding under the weight of fourteen trillion dollars of debt, sixty trillion dollars of unfunded entitlement programs, and a monetary policy bent on destroying the currency and economy. Government intervention in private citizens' lives and the economy has failed. The eighty year old Keynesian economics experiment that started under President Roosevelt is nearing an end.
The current state of economic affairs reminds me of the Saturday morning cartoon where the Roadrunner is chased by Wiley Coyote. The clever Roadrunner leads Wiley to the edge of the cliff, maneuvers quickly to safety, and Wiley runs off the edge of the cliff. Wiley remains suspended momentarily in mid-air before realizing his fate and plummets to the canyon floor.
Government has lied and deceived several generations of Americans. Politicians and bureaucrats will say and do anything to save themselves regardless of the consequences to the country or the economy. Citizens have been led over the cliff by the government and are in a state of suspended disbelief. This is our Wiley Coyote moment!
The country is imploding under the weight of fourteen trillion dollars of debt, sixty trillion dollars of unfunded entitlement programs, and a monetary policy bent on destroying the currency and economy. Government intervention in private citizens' lives and the economy has failed. The eighty year old Keynesian economics experiment that started under President Roosevelt is nearing an end.
The current state of economic affairs reminds me of the Saturday morning cartoon where the Roadrunner is chased by Wiley Coyote. The clever Roadrunner leads Wiley to the edge of the cliff, maneuvers quickly to safety, and Wiley runs off the edge of the cliff. Wiley remains suspended momentarily in mid-air before realizing his fate and plummets to the canyon floor.
Government has lied and deceived several generations of Americans. Politicians and bureaucrats will say and do anything to save themselves regardless of the consequences to the country or the economy. Citizens have been led over the cliff by the government and are in a state of suspended disbelief. This is our Wiley Coyote moment!
The Fatal Flaw Crippling Recovery
By Bernie Reeves
The author seems to think that an RTC solution will solve the nations ills - but that is just code for a bailout - nationalizing the toxic assets that will never show a return value at the expense of the taxpayers. He is right though, about the banks reluctance to lend until their bad assets are cleaned up or sufficiently diluted by good assets and liquid reserves.
There is a fatal flaw that occurred early on during the financial meltdown that helps explain why the economy remains in a stall. This slow pace has never happened before, but it is now -- and the suffering and anger are rising to the top.
Today banking regulators have ordered banks to keep their assets high enough to cover the bad loans they made in the lead-up to the meltdown. The result: commercial banks will not lend as remaining toxic debt has been allowed to metastasize throughout the entire industry. Instead of cleansing the bad assets via an RTC model, this lingering, widespread financial cancer is slowly killing the recovery.
The author seems to think that an RTC solution will solve the nations ills - but that is just code for a bailout - nationalizing the toxic assets that will never show a return value at the expense of the taxpayers. He is right though, about the banks reluctance to lend until their bad assets are cleaned up or sufficiently diluted by good assets and liquid reserves.
Streaming Video From Syntagma Square - First Day Of Greek General Strike
by Tyler Durden
Here in the US, we don't think this could ever happen to us. In Greece, they never thought it could happen to them either.
Syntagma square live video feed, where things already are starting to have a far more violent tone compared to the primarily peaceful protests so far this year, courtesy of a substantially larger police presence as over 5,000 cops are expected.
The protest marks the first day of the previously reported 48 hour general strike which will culminate with tomorrow's decision on the 5 year mid-term austerity plan.
Here in the US, we don't think this could ever happen to us. In Greece, they never thought it could happen to them either.
Nebraska nuclear plant threatened by flooding is ... ahem.."safe"
That makes sense. The imposed no fly after 9/11.
Don't know about you, but 6 feet of leeway on a NUKE PLANT isn't enough for me.
Wait, so the primary has already been breached?
"the no-fly zone was nearly a decade old — imposed on all U.S. nuclear plants since the 2001 terrorist attacks. Officials did issue a reminder about the zone, because small planes had been flying near the plant to see the flooding. "
That makes sense. The imposed no fly after 9/11.
"In the past, the watchdog group has blasted the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission for its failure to enforce regulations.
But in 2010 the agency, in a routine inspection, caught a problem at the Fort Calhoun plant. A building that held vital safety equipment was supposed to be able to handle a flood rising to 1,014 feet above sea level. Instead, its protection fell 4 feet short of that standard.
But those problems were fixed, with such measures as more sand-bagging equipment, additional portable pumps and other flood protection measures. And the current flood is expected to reach only 1,008 feet above sea level"
Don't know about you, but 6 feet of leeway on a NUKE PLANT isn't enough for me.
Concerns were raised a few days ago when a flood barrier was punctured, but it was part of a redundant system. Backups kept the situation under control.
Wait, so the primary has already been breached?
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Highly Radioactive Water Leaking From Fukushima / Full Body Radiation Checks Begin
1 Sievert Water Leaking From Fukushima As Full Body Radiation Checks Begin Across Prefecture
by Tyler Durden
The story that the world forgot, and that everyone wishes could just be buried under a 10 foot lead plate, not only refuses to go away but is getting worse by the day. The latest news from Fukushima is that the highly radioactive water has started leaking from Reactor #2, into a trench which is located just 180 feet away from the sea, prompting more fears that the most radioactive water recorded to date would soon seep into the ocean. The Telegraph reports: "The water seeping into a trench outside the Number two reactor at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeast Japan had a radiation level of more than 1,000 millisieverts per hour." To be expected, here's captain "all is fine" aka TEPCO, to remind us that this is perfectly normal and 1 sievert water is no cause for concern.
Luckily, nobody believes the lies out of Japan anymore: "Speculation surrounding the extent to which the radiation may be leaking into the Pacific Ocean was also mounting after tests last weekend found nearby seawater contaminated 1,850 above legal limits."
And while this recent development is happening, people in Fukushima have finally started getting full body radiation screens from the prefecture.. a move that is about 3 months overdue.
by Tyler Durden
The story that the world forgot, and that everyone wishes could just be buried under a 10 foot lead plate, not only refuses to go away but is getting worse by the day. The latest news from Fukushima is that the highly radioactive water has started leaking from Reactor #2, into a trench which is located just 180 feet away from the sea, prompting more fears that the most radioactive water recorded to date would soon seep into the ocean. The Telegraph reports: "The water seeping into a trench outside the Number two reactor at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northeast Japan had a radiation level of more than 1,000 millisieverts per hour." To be expected, here's captain "all is fine" aka TEPCO, to remind us that this is perfectly normal and 1 sievert water is no cause for concern.
Luckily, nobody believes the lies out of Japan anymore: "Speculation surrounding the extent to which the radiation may be leaking into the Pacific Ocean was also mounting after tests last weekend found nearby seawater contaminated 1,850 above legal limits."
And while this recent development is happening, people in Fukushima have finally started getting full body radiation screens from the prefecture.. a move that is about 3 months overdue.
Warning: A nuclear "Fukishima Event" is already happening in the US
Not sure on the veracity of this one yet, but several websites are now reporting that all the flooding up in Omaha Nebraska is causing a US version of the Japanese nuclear meltdown.
In the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Japanese officials assured everyone that everything was alright; everything was under control, that the problem was limited and controllable. It took a few days for that lie to fall apart.
This time, it may be our turn. Something bad is happening in Nebraska. A state of emergency was declared for two counties where two nuclear plants are located - one at the Fort Calhoun nuclear facility and one at the Cooper Nuclear Station near Brownsville. Due to flooding from the Missouri River, some kind of emergency event is happening or about to happen there. The government is telling us not to worry, that there are just some precautionary measures going on to prevent a disaster from happening because of the flooding.
Fire Threatens Plutonium and Uranium Release at Los Alamos National Laboratory
by George Washington
A raging wildfire is threatening to engulf the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Los Alamos likely contains more nuclear weapons than any other facility in the world.
The anti-nuclear watchdog group Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, however, said the fire appeared to be about 3 1/2 miles from a dumpsite where as many as 30,000 55-gallon drums of plutonium-contaminated waste were stored in fabric tents above ground. The group said the drums were awaiting transport to a low-level radiation dump site in southern New Mexico.
Lab spokesman Steve Sandoval declined to confirm that there were any such drums currently on the property.
Later, Los Alamos confirmed the allegation:
The lab has called in a special team to test plutonium and uranium levels in the air as a "precaution".
Evacuations Ordered As Fire Threatens Los Alamos
Jet Stream Forcast
Surface Wind Forecast
A raging wildfire is threatening to engulf the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Los Alamos likely contains more nuclear weapons than any other facility in the world.
The anti-nuclear watchdog group Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, however, said the fire appeared to be about 3 1/2 miles from a dumpsite where as many as 30,000 55-gallon drums of plutonium-contaminated waste were stored in fabric tents above ground. The group said the drums were awaiting transport to a low-level radiation dump site in southern New Mexico.
Lab spokesman Steve Sandoval declined to confirm that there were any such drums currently on the property.
Later, Los Alamos confirmed the allegation:
Lab officials at first declined to confirm that such drums were on the property, but in a statement early Tuesday, lab spokeswoman Lisa Rosendorf said such drums are stored in a section of the complex known as Area G. She said the drums contain cleanup from Cold War-era waste that the lab sends away in weekly shipments to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant.
She said the drums were on a paved area with few trees nearby and would be safe even if a fire reached the storage area. Officials have said it is miles from the flames.
The lab has called in a special team to test plutonium and uranium levels in the air as a "precaution".
Evacuations Ordered As Fire Threatens Los Alamos
Jet Stream Forcast
Surface Wind Forecast
Terrorists call the US a terrorist nation
With friends like these...
By Rick Moran
An Iranian sponsored conference on "A world without terrorism" featured some .. ahem.. ."interesting" participants.
The fact is, these countries need us. They don't need our cash, or our military, or our protection. They need us as a strawman so that they have a convenient whipping boy as their socieities devolve into primitivism.
By Rick Moran
An Iranian sponsored conference on "A world without terrorism" featured some .. ahem.. ."interesting" participants.
On June 25-26, 2011, the Iranian regime hosted the first "World Without Terrorism Conference" in Tehran..
It is apparent that Tehran devised the conference as a means to improve its standing in the region and internationally, and to promote itself as a strong and leading regional force, at the expense of Saudi Arabia. Throughout the conference, Iran presented a blatantly anti-U.S. and anti-West agenda, focusing on the claim that the U.S. and Israel are at the root of global terrorism.
As Obama continues to push US withdrawal from the world, these dictators and autocrats are going to be in trouble. It will become harder and harder to blame their corrupt rule on the United States
The fact is, these countries need us. They don't need our cash, or our military, or our protection. They need us as a strawman so that they have a convenient whipping boy as their socieities devolve into primitivism.
Monday, June 27, 2011
America is becoming a police state
Americans must to decide if, in the name of homeland security, they are willing to allow TSA operatives to storm public places in their communities with no warning, pat them down, and search their bags. And they better decide quickly.
Bus travelers were shocked when jackbooted TSA officers in black SWAT-style uniforms descended unannounced upon the Tampa Greyhound bus station in April with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies and federal bureaucrats in tow.
A news report by ABC Action News in Tampa showed passengers being given the signature pat downs Americans are used to watching the Transportation Security Administration screeners perform at our airports. Canine teams sniffed their bags and the buses they rode. Immigration officials hunted for large sums of cash as part of an anti-smuggling initiative.
The TSA clearly intends for these out-of-nowhere swarms by its officers at community transit centers, bus stops and public events to become a routine and accepted part of American life.
The TSA has conducted 8,000 of these security sweeps across the country in the past year alone.
All of which is enough to make you wonder if we are watching the formation of the "civilian national security force" President Obama called for on the campaign trail "that is just as powerful, just as strong and just as well funded" as the military.
When did the TSA get this powerful? Last year, Pistole told USA Today he wanted to "take the TSA to the next level," building it into a "national-security, counterterrorism organization, fully integrated into U.S. government efforts."
'The Next Middle East War'
by Human Events
In early January, Chuck DeVore, a former California lawmaker and U.S. intelligence officer who's now an author and Middle East expert, predicted the turmoil in Egypt, weeks before it erupted
DeVore is now forecasting war between Israel and Hamas and Hezbollah in mid-August, 2011.
DeVore explains who the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hezbollah are, and their objectives (destroy Israel, kill the Jews, then take on Western Civilization). DeVore also outlines the goals of other regional actors, such as Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Using his extensive military intelligence and foreign affairs background, he also provides a day-by-day scenario for the coming conflict and its aftermath—all in a style that is as gripping as it is explanatory.
In early January, Chuck DeVore, a former California lawmaker and U.S. intelligence officer who's now an author and Middle East expert, predicted the turmoil in Egypt, weeks before it erupted
DeVore is now forecasting war between Israel and Hamas and Hezbollah in mid-August, 2011.
DeVore explains who the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, and Hezbollah are, and their objectives (destroy Israel, kill the Jews, then take on Western Civilization). DeVore also outlines the goals of other regional actors, such as Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Using his extensive military intelligence and foreign affairs background, he also provides a day-by-day scenario for the coming conflict and its aftermath—all in a style that is as gripping as it is explanatory.
Mexican Gangs Stealing Growing Amounts of Fuel
Mexican crime groups have virtually taken over the pipeline system of Mexico's state oil monopoly, stealing growing amounts of fuel and gaining an important source of new revenue as they fight other gangs and Mexico's government.
The total amount of fuel, including crude oil and gasoline, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas taken during the first four months of the year is slightly greater than the total amount stolen all of last year. During the first four months of this year, these groups stole an estimated $250 million worth of fuel at market prices. That translates to nearly one million barrels.
The total amount of fuel, including crude oil and gasoline, diesel and liquefied petroleum gas taken during the first four months of the year is slightly greater than the total amount stolen all of last year. During the first four months of this year, these groups stole an estimated $250 million worth of fuel at market prices. That translates to nearly one million barrels.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Second Dot Com Bubble Has Now Burst
by Tyler Durden
It is hard to believe that the first dot com bubble, so vivid to most semi-veteran traders, occurred over a decade ago. What is even harder to believe is that courtesy of the record liquidity bubble created by the Central Planning mafia, 2011 has already seen not only the second dot com bubble, but as the table below demonstrates, its bursting.
It is hard to believe that the first dot com bubble, so vivid to most semi-veteran traders, occurred over a decade ago. What is even harder to believe is that courtesy of the record liquidity bubble created by the Central Planning mafia, 2011 has already seen not only the second dot com bubble, but as the table below demonstrates, its bursting.
If you're not both angry and scared at the world's current situation, you're not paying attention.
By Monty Pelerin
An economic crisis implies something of a relatively short duration with an eventual return to whatever represents a "normal" state. Recessions are cyclical. But so too was the Great Depression. While it lasted longer and was more severe than a recession, conditions returned to normal within a reasonable period of time.
What we are in, it appears to me, is the beginning of a massive secular change that will alter the way we view countries, economies and institutions. It is much bigger than an economic cycle and likely will represent an epic movement in terms of history. The history books a hundred or more years from now will recognize what happened more clearly than contemporary participants will be able to do. The changes will be massive and glacier-like in movement.
An economic crisis implies something of a relatively short duration with an eventual return to whatever represents a "normal" state. Recessions are cyclical. But so too was the Great Depression. While it lasted longer and was more severe than a recession, conditions returned to normal within a reasonable period of time.
What we are in, it appears to me, is the beginning of a massive secular change that will alter the way we view countries, economies and institutions. It is much bigger than an economic cycle and likely will represent an epic movement in terms of history. The history books a hundred or more years from now will recognize what happened more clearly than contemporary participants will be able to do. The changes will be massive and glacier-like in movement.
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