Monday, May 28, 2012

active fault-line could cause Japan-style tsunami that could devastate California and Hawaii

The remnants of Fukashima event #1 last year may yet irradiate thousands in North America.  And if that was not bad enough... are you ready for Fukashima event #2??   
  • Fault-line last ruptured in 1788 and measurements show pressure is increasing on weak points
  • Area is geographically-similar to the fault-line which led to Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami of 2011
  • A tsunami could race down West coast of the U.S. and hit the Hawaiian Islands
By Eddie Wrenn

Scientists say a fault-line running across Alaska could cause tsunamis of the same magnitude as the Japanese disaster of March last year.

Attention has turned to the Alaskan-Aleutian subduction zone, a region where one of the earth's tectonic plate, carrying the Pacific Ocean, drops beneath the North American plate.

A particular section of the fault near the Semidi Islands has not ruptured since at least 1788, and measurements on this area - which lies four to five kilometers under water - reveal the pressure is accumulating rapidly.

If the Pacific Ocean plate slips, as happened in the geographically-similar Tohoku subduction zone off the coast of Japan, a tsunami could occur - and the deaths could happen as far away as Hawaii and California.

US Army General Warns of Impending Fukushima Doom

A Natural Solutions Foundation Media Release: Maj. Gen. Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army Ret.)'s Estimate of Situation about Fukushima, Japan, focusing on the immediate threat to the Northern Hemisphere emanating from the highly radioactive ruins of the 5 Fukushima nuclear reactors.

Gen. Stubblebine’s prognosis is dire: “When the highly radioactive Spent Fuel Rods are exposed to air, there will be massive explosions releasing many times the amount or radiation released thus far. Bizarrely, they are stored three stories above ground in open concrete storage pools. Whether through evaporation of the water in the pools, or due to the inevitable further collapse of the structure, there is a severe risk. United States public health authorities agree that tens of thousands of North Americans have already died from the Fukushima calamity. When the final cataclysm occurs, sooner rather than later, the whole Northern Hemisphere is at risk of becoming largely uninhabitable.”

General Stubblebine details in his riveting video the amounts of radioactive materials that will be propelled across the Pacific and across the United States if the Fukushima reactor structures (especially Spent Fuel Pool Number 4) collapse. With over 15,000 ‘spent fuel rods’ on the site, the Fukushima reactors have accumulated one of the largest stockpiles of these dangerous, intensely radioactive materials on the planet. No remediation work is being done at the site; there is no official remedial planning or disaster preparation. No private remediation, or public discussion of the need for it, is permitted by the Government of Japan under its new suppression of nuclear discussion laws.

The Natural Solutions Foundation joins seventy Japanese NGOs(1) in calling upon the Secretary General of the United Nations and Prime Minister of Japan last month to coordinate emergency action to shore-up critical structures now at imminent risk of collapse. It has been variously estimated(2), that a relatively mild earthquake (i.e., 5.0 or greater on the Richter Scale) will collapse the previously damaged Spent Fuel Rod holding tank of Unit No. 4, containing 85 times the amount of radioactive Cesium137 contained in Chernobyl's now-entombed reactor.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Euro self destructs in 3...2...1...

The Countdown To The Break Up Of The Euro Has Officially Begun

BCourtesy of Michael Snyder of Economic Collapse

All over Europe, prominent politicians and incumbent political parties are being voted out. In fact, Nicolas Sarkozy has become the 11th leader of a European nation to be defeated in an election since 2008.  We have seen governments fall in the Netherlands, the UK, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Greece.  Whenever they get a chance, the citizens of Europe are using the ballot box to send a message that they do not like what is going on.  

It turns out that austerity is extremely unpopular.  But if newly elected politicians all over Europe begin rejecting austerity, this puts Germany in a very difficult position.  Should Germany be expected to indefinitely bail out all of the members of the eurozone that choose to live way beyond their means?  If Germany pulled out of the euro tomorrow, the euro would absolutely collapse, bond yields for the rest of the eurozone would skyrocket to unprecedented heights, and without German bailout money troubled nations such as Greece would be headed directly for default.  The rest of the eurozone is absolutely and completely dependent on Germany at this point.  But as we have seen, much of the rest of the eurozone is sick and tired of taking orders from Germany and is rejecting austerity.  A lot of politicians in Europe apparently believe that they should be able to run up gigantic amounts of debt indefinitely and that the Germans should be expected to always be there to bail them out whenever they need it.  Will the Germans be willing to tolerate such a situation, or will they simply pick up their ball and go home at some point?

At some point, Germany may decide that enough is enough.

In fact, there have been persistent rumors that Germany has been very quietly preparing to leave the euro.

Cash worthless in the post collapse world? Now it's illegal too!

AS Spain and the rest of the EU crashes, buying with cash will make you a criminal:
Spain Bans Cash Transactions Over 2,500 Euros ... Spain has outlawed the use of cash in business transactions in excess 2,500 euros in order to crack down on the black market and tax evaders. The motivations behind the push for digital currencies is exposed as Spain heads down the road of the Greeks in combating their sovereign debt crisis. 

NCRP Report: Partly cloudy, which a chance of global catastrophy

Fukushima Daiichi Site: Cesium-137 is 85 times greater than at Chernobyl Accident

Japan’s former Ambassador to Switzerland, Mr. Mitsuhei Murata strongly stated that if the crippled building of reactor unit 4—with 1,535 fuel assemblies in the spent fuel pool 100 feet (30 meters) above the ground—collapses, not only will it cause a shutdown of all six reactors but will also affect the common spent fuel pool containing 6,375 fuel assemblies, located some 50 meters from reactor 4. In both cases the radioactive assemblies are not protected by a containment vessel; dangerously, they are open to the air. This would certainly cause a global catastrophe like we have never before experienced.

Based on U.S. Energy Department data, assuming a total of 11,138 spent fuel assemblies are being stored at the Dai-Ichi site, nearly all, which is in pools. They contain roughly 336 million curies (~1.2 E+19 Bq) of long-lived radioactivity. About 134 million curies is Cesium-137 — roughly 85 times the amount of Cs-137 released at the Chernobyl accident as estimated by the U.S. National Council on Radiation Protection (NCRP). The total spent reactor fuel inventory at the Fukushima-Daichi site contains nearly half of  the total amount of Cs-137 estimated by the NCRP to have been released by all atmospheric nuclear weapons testing, Chernobyl, and world-wide reprocessing plants (~270 million curies or ~9.9 E+18 Becquerel).
...reactors  such as those at the Fukushima-Dai-Ichi site have generated some of the largest concentrations of radioactivity on the planet

Many of our readers might find it difficult to appreciate the actual meaning of the figure, yet we can grasp what 85 times more Cesium-137 than the Chernobyl would mean. It would destroy the world environment and our civilization. This is not rocket science, nor does it connect to the pugilistic debate over nuclear power plants. This is an issue of human survival.

Monday, May 7, 2012

US Treasurys Are ‘Junk,’ Dollar Headed for Collapse

By: Jean Chua

The greenback and the U.S. bond market are headed for a collapse as the U.S. Federal Reserve loses the ability to service the nation’s debt with “artificially low” interest rates, Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital told CNBC on Wednesday.

“As far as I am concerned, U.S. Treasurys are junk bonds,” Schiff said on CNBC Asia’s “Squawk Box.” “And the only reason that the U.S. government can pay the interest on the debt, and I say ‘pay’ in quotes because we never pay our bills. We borrow the money so we pretend to pay, but the only reason we can do it is because the Fed has got interest rates so artificially low.” 

The Fed  has been keeping rates on benchmark 10-year Treasurys low by purchasing bonds via quantitative easing (QE)  , and this will ultimately be the U.S. economy’s “undoing,” Schiff said.  “And the minute you take it away, it’s going to collapse.”

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

America On Board for 'Financial Train Wreck', Economist Warns

By Newsmax Wires

Whether or not you agree with Peter Schiff, CEO and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, one thing is beyond dispute: Those whom we have trusted to fix our economy have failed.
Instead of making tough decisions to get America back on track, the “yes men” in Washington have only continued to placate donors and implement short-term fixes that will hedge their re-election efforts.
By now it should be clear that the “recovery” won’t happen. All these short-term fixes will come back to haunt us.
And when they do, as prophetic economist Bob Wiedemer boldly states, “[The] money from heaven will be the path to hell.”

Read more:

Kentucky Supreme Court Rules Highway Checkpoints Illegal

Kentucky Supreme Court Rules Highway Checkpoints Illegal

By Paul Joseph Watson

Warrantless checkpoints in the city of Liberty, Kentucky that were used by authorities to interrogate drivers who refused to display a sticker in their vehicle have been ruled unconstitutional by the Kentucky Supreme Court.

Residents who refused to buy the $10 dollar sticker were targeted after city officials ordered police to set up roadblocks. Those displaying the sticker were allowed through but refusniks were interrogated and had their vehicles searched, a clear violation of the Fourth Amendment.

After the state Court of Appeals disagreed with the Casey County Circuit Court and claimed the checkpoints to be justified, the Kentucky Supreme Court stepped in and unanimously ruled that the city had no reason to stop motorists.


Houstonians Revolt Over TSA On Buses

By Paul Joseph Watson

Dozens of outraged residents attended a Houston METRO board meeting yesterday to express their disgust at how TSA workers were used to interrogate passengers on buses during a so-called “anti-terror” exercise last week.

 Complaining of how their fourth amendment rights were violated, residents were joined by several prominent lawyers in an extraordinary backlash against the federal agency and local authorities.

The meeting was dominated by more denials on behalf of METRO that warrantless bag searches had occurred during the drill, labeled BusSafe, which was billed as a counter-terror exercise yet only managed to snag alleged prostitutes and drug users.

Despite the fact that the METRO’s official website stated after the exercise that “Law officials performed random bag checks,” in addition to a press release before the exercise that stated bag checks would take place, METRO officials continued to deny that any bag searches had occurred besides those where the passenger had been coerced into giving permission.

“On April 13, the METRO Police Department invited TSA to be a part of its bus-safe exercise. METRO said then and repeated for days afterwards there would be random searches of bus and train passengers’ bags,” reports ABC 13.

What definitely did take place was police officers and TSA agents interrogating passengers about their behavior and journey details.

“METRO and TSA were going onto the buses and questioning people about their normal routes and their normal behavior, and it just kind of creates an atmosphere of fear,” said METRO rider Derrick Broze.

“I don’t feel like by purchasing a ticket or riding a bus that I have to forfeit my Constitutional rights and my protections and be subject to search or seizure,” Broze told METRO board members. “We don’t plan on letting this issue die if the TSA stays in our city.”

A photo taken by Broze’s friend shows a ‘TSA Inspector’ looking at a passenger’s bus ticket.

“You’ve gone one step too far by bringing the TSA into our house,” another resident fumed.

“The good citizens of Houston are not stupid enough to believe Metro was actually expecting to find terrorists at a bus stop here. Instead, it was used as a pretext to harass people,” said Robert Fickman, past president of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association, adding that the exercise was clearly unconstitutional.

“Metro police can do all the police exercises they want on each other: They can sic dogs on each other, they can Taser each other, they can throw rocks at each other for all I care. What Metro cannot do is practice their police exercises … on innocent Houstonians who just happened to be riding bus or rail.”

Fickman’s colleague Earl Musick then received rapturous applause after he presented the METRO board with a copy of the Constitution.

The notion that the event was merely a one off “exercise” is a misnomer. Police Chief Victor Rodriguez has already confirmed that the program will be put into operation again and it’s clearly designed to become a routine practice, although METRO President and Chairman George Grenias promised that warrantless bag searches would not occur, despite Rodriguez telling ABC 13 last week that “he does have the right to search your bag and may tell his officers to do it.”

The treatment Houston residents were subjected to is set to become more commonplace with the expansion of the TSA to become a literally occupying army across America. The federal agency was responsible for over 9,000 checkpoints last year alone, with extra funding from Congress guaranteed to increase that figure and open the door to more TSA goons harassing Americans at transport hubs across the country.